It's all too common scenario; you type in 'Deer Feed' or 'Deer Nutrition' into your browser and you'll be instantly bombarded with some company's flagship product claiming "More Protein," "Big Deer," "Drop Tines," or some other "off the cuff" catchy word play like "Less Salt" or "Premium Deer Corn." But are these companies and their brands really doing anything for the deer other than providing the wildlife equivalent to a cheap fast food cheeseburger? Thats right, a greasy cardboard cutout resembling the American Classic Beef Patty, coated in just enough sauce to making you forget it isn't that burger you made on the grill last week. Or the sweet Cherry and Apple scent you smell wafting from those yellow arches to catch you in a moment of nostalgia, but in reality it's nothing more than sugar to feed addiction and to cover up the real ingredients. Most companies don't give a rip about nutrition as long as "It Smells good and Sells good." However, Nutrition is vital and central to every organism, especially whitetail deer, and that's why we're here. To understand nutrition we have to start at the definition.
Nutrition Defined is the process by which an organism uses food to sustain life.
In this scenario, the Organism is a Deer, and the standard we adhere to is high. Most nutrition "experts" blur the lines in their antiquated explanations such as Food being a "Digestible Source for nutrition" and as a "Quality or Healthy Standard." However, this is purely anecdotal word play left for the consumer to decipher. The word Nutrition is neither defined as "Good or Bad." The lack of discretion and the common use of the word in typical marketing, leads the consumer to have an overall positive feeling that they are helping their deer herd by word branding like "Nutritional" or "Natural."
Having a good diet absolutely matters and that's good nutrition. Buff Daddy focuses on assisting the biological system work by utilizing food sources that are naturally beneficial to maximize the North American Whitetail Deer's genetic potential.